The Separated Parents Conversation
The Separated Parents Conversation - the podcast
Our podcast
The Separated Parents Conversation is our podcast where we discuss all things separation.
Totally free
Our podcast is, and always will be, totally free. Our aim is to support you wherever you are at in your separation.
Tell us what you want to hear!
If there is something you would like us to cover on the podcast feel free to email contact@theseparatedparentshub.co.uk and we will do our best to cover it in a future episode.
Episode 1 - Introducing……The Separated Parents Hub
Episode 3 - Put down your phone! And other useful tips for dealing with last minute requests from your ex.
Episode 5 -The reason you will be seeing my face a lot more from now on……..
Episode 2 - Why two happy homes are better than one unhappy home
Episode 4 - Nesting - the good, the bad and the ugly
Episode 6 - What is coaching?