3 signs it might be time to leave your relationship
Making the decision to leave your relationship is often emotionally fraught. It can be one of the most life changing decisions someone makes. Add in kids to the equation and the stakes get even higher.
I speak to so many people who are in unhappy relationships and are wondering whether to stay or go. Ultimately no one can make that decision for you. It can help to speak to people close to you, who you know have your best interests at heart. They should be able to give you an honest assessment of the issues you are having and advise you as to whether you should move on or try to make things work.
I find when looking at relationships, there are some indicators that suggest the relationship may have run its course. It doesn’t mean the relationship is beyond saving if these issues are present, but it does mean there are serious issues and a lot of repair work to be done. Read on to see if any of these signs are present in your relationship.
Sign 1 - You no longer respect each other
Respect is a fundamental part of any relationship. You deserve to be with a partner who respects you and your relationship. Signs that your partner doesn’t respect you can include:
they belittle you
they undermine you in front of others
they undermine you in front of your kids
they don’t listen to you
they dismiss what you say
Any of the above sound familiar? You may want to look at support to improve your relationship. You can read more about this here.
Sign 2 - You don’t trust each other
Like respect, trust is an incredibly important part of a relationship. Do you trust your partner? Do they trust you? Do you feel like you can rely on them? Do you feel like they have got your back?
You can read more about signs of distrust here if you think this may be an issue in your relationship.
You deserve to be in a relationship where there is mutual trust and respect. You can read about how to build trust in your relationship here. It may be however that you feel the trust is broken and that there is no way back. It is important to remember that trust is an essential component of a relationship, and it is the very least you deserve.
Sign 3 - There is violence or abuse in your relationship
It is incredibly harmful to children to be exposed to domestic abuse. The impact is far reaching, and can stay with them for their entire lives. If there is abuse or violence in your relationship, consider the support that is available to help you leave safely.
You can read more about support for victims of domestic abuse and safely leaving a relationship here.